Friday 5 November 2010


For my extended project as I have already explained I am going to stretch canvas, but I have now had another idea to customise faceplates and controllers. As Liam has also thought of the idea to customize faceplates, we have decided that we are going to help each other out in the process, and sort of work together on the extended project.

In the picture below is a screengrab from amazon showing where we can order xbox 360 faceplates from. I think this is going to be the main target to order from.

This is the process in which it can go through. It starts off like the white faceplate and when you have custom painted it, hopefully we will end up with similar things shown below.

Here is an ordianry xbox 360 controller which hasn't been customized.

This is the sort of thing I am aiming to achieve when the controller has been fully customized. I think I will make around two custom painted controllers and Liam will probably do the faceplates.

This can then link with my canvas stretching idea, as I can then take pictures of our outcomes and then stretch them onto canvas.

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