Sunday 7 November 2010

Fridays lesson 5th November

In fridays lesson we worked on the extended project, sharing out our ideas and talking about what we hope to have completed in the short term and long term.

My idea originally was to stretch pictures onto canvas, and I may still continue with this. But I have now got another idea which is to custom paint some xbox controllers.

My short term goal is to have all of the equipment ready for the customizing and also to draw out some sketches for possible ideas which I might use for the final piece. I think with this sorted out I could be well on my way to making a great piece of customizing art work.

My long term goal is to have completed two fully custom painted controllers with stencil/art pen writing on them, and to have made a video of me customizing them and speeding the video up. I think a sped up video of me doing this will look really cool. I also want to take a picture of the before and afters and stretch them onto canvas. This can also be recorded.

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