Tuesday 30 November 2010

Idea change

In this weeks lesson on monday, I was still unhappy about the idea I had, but I have now come up with a new idea, which is to create a 'Flatpack toy'.

A flatpack toy is a built up 3D image which you design on card and use the netting to create it into a 3D image. I have already had a go at this, and for my first try I attempted to do it on paper and it didn't work out as everything didn't stay together, so I just stuck it into my sketchbook instead. My next step is to create the same image, but I will do it on card instead, as it will hold together that way. The person who I am building up as a flatpack is 'Barack Obama', but for my final design I am going to create my own design.

Here is a flatpack design which I found on the cubeecraft website:

This is the netting of the image:

Final Product:

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Todays lesson 24/11/10

In todays lesson I worked on a google application called 'Sketch Up'. It is a 3D sketching software, and I was just playing around with it attempting to make a 3D action man instead of a 2D one which I think will be a bit more of a challenge and will look better once iv'e done it.

Here are some pictures of my work so far:

This is a screengrab of the software with my work on it. From this you can see all of the tools at the top, such as grab, move, rotate, draw, scale and more.

This is my first attempt of making a head and hair in 3D. I think that this is a good first attempt of making a head, but it is probably scaled up too large.

This is a 3D image which i downloaded from the software and it is a whole person which I am aiming to achieve. I downloaded this so that I could understand how to create a 3D person a bit more.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Making my own 'action man'

I have started to create my own action man and I will be able to use this same figure for the rest that I will make. Here are the stages that I have gone through and what I have produced.

Stage One:

Stage Two:

Stage Three:

Stage three is where I am at, at the moment. I still need to create the legs and face, and other detailed body parts.

Monday 15 November 2010

Project Plan 15th - 19th November

Monday - Pitch feedback, Practise on illustrator, Finalise my idea, Sketchbook (research)

Tuesday - Secondary research and Sketchbook (research)

Wednesday - Illustrator, Web research, Photoshop

Thursday - Blog and Sketchbook

Friday - More illustrator practise and Research

Sunday 14 November 2010

Presentation feedback

On friday 12th November I did my keynote presentation on my two main ideas for the globalisation project. I think that I presented it well but I found it quite hard to get everything out as I am not to confident in speaking infront of people. But, I think I did enough for the client to understand what my ideas were all about.

The clients feedback on my ideas was to maybe merge both my ideas together. Idea 1 was to make an action figurine, and idea 2 was to make an advert on different ethnic backgrounds playing football together. The client thought that I should merge these ideas together by designing a small animation, and to use illustrator. He also thought that I could get some of my old action figures and 'customize' them instead of making my own. Then from this I could make my own video using 'istock motion' or something else.

The idea which I want to progress with is idea two because it is the idea which I have thought about the most and I think that I will do better with this idea. I will also consider the clients feedback throughout the course of this project and I will hopefully be successful.

Here is the feedback which he wrote down whilst I was giving the presentation:
1)make own action man style figure.
highways across continents - what would your own action man look like.........SWOT analysis is fine
2)Football idea - how would you get different nationalities together and how would you show they are different nationalities.

Option - scale down idea 1 to something 2D, think photoshop.
continue 2 ideas?

The presentation was a bit nervy but ok....slides were ok.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Globalisation Keynote

This is my keynote showing my two main ideas which I am going to pitch to the 'client' in tomorrows lesson, where I will be filmed giving out my presentation.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Equipment Lists

Here is my equipment list showing everything that I need at the moment to continue with the project. I have also added the costs of each piece of equipment which I have ordered.

1st Equipment List

A4 Sketchbook - 65p

2nd Equipment List

A4 Sketchbook - 65p

Fine Line Pen - 25p

Sketching Pencils - £1.50

Mindmap of my initial ideas

Here is my mindmap of my initial ideas. I am still looking for other ideas but at the moment these are the ones which I am going to research on. At the moment the ideas which I will take forwards the most are 'Globalisation in different cultures' and Globalisation in online gaming'.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Fridays lesson 5th November

In fridays lesson we worked on the extended project, sharing out our ideas and talking about what we hope to have completed in the short term and long term.

My idea originally was to stretch pictures onto canvas, and I may still continue with this. But I have now got another idea which is to custom paint some xbox controllers.

My short term goal is to have all of the equipment ready for the customizing and also to draw out some sketches for possible ideas which I might use for the final piece. I think with this sorted out I could be well on my way to making a great piece of customizing art work.

My long term goal is to have completed two fully custom painted controllers with stencil/art pen writing on them, and to have made a video of me customizing them and speeding the video up. I think a sped up video of me doing this will look really cool. I also want to take a picture of the before and afters and stretch them onto canvas. This can also be recorded.

Friday 5 November 2010


For my extended project as I have already explained I am going to stretch canvas, but I have now had another idea to customise faceplates and controllers. As Liam has also thought of the idea to customize faceplates, we have decided that we are going to help each other out in the process, and sort of work together on the extended project.

In the picture below is a screengrab from amazon showing where we can order xbox 360 faceplates from. I think this is going to be the main target to order from.

This is the process in which it can go through. It starts off like the white faceplate and when you have custom painted it, hopefully we will end up with similar things shown below.

Here is an ordianry xbox 360 controller which hasn't been customized.

This is the sort of thing I am aiming to achieve when the controller has been fully customized. I think I will make around two custom painted controllers and Liam will probably do the faceplates.

This can then link with my canvas stretching idea, as I can then take pictures of our outcomes and then stretch them onto canvas.