Wednesday 8 September 2010

Book cover research

I have researched some book cover designs to do with crime and comedy and I have found some which I think will appeal to a younger audience but still have a formal look to them.

These are all crime/comedy type books:

I found this book cover on amazon by looking through the crime and comedy section. I particularly like the red sky with the buildings that looks like a nice silhouette. The blue ground which makes it look more like a gaming cover also caught my eye.

This is also a book which I found via amazon, I chose this one because I thought the book cover with the cow looked quite funny but the text is formal. I also think that the colours look nice and bright and would fit perfectly with a younger audience.

The reason for me choosing this book cover is because the writing in the white box and the blue background makes it look quite formal, but the thing that catches the audiences eye the most on this book cover is the animated funny pictures in the foreground. I looked at this and straight away I saw the stars, the dog and the string of sausages. I found this book cover when looking on Amazon.

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