Monday 13 September 2010

Book cover design task

This image below is where I got the idea from for doing my book cover, I chose this because I thought it looked simple but also I think it is quite funny. In my book cover I replaced the face book with the book title by using the magic wond photoshop tool.

Here is my first draft of my book cover, I think that it is quite funny by using the coffin, but I do think that it needs many changes to it which I will work on. I am going to move a few things around and ajust the sizes to certain things.

This is my final draft of my book cover design which I have made quite a lot of changes to by moving things around. I still decided to keep everything that I had in it before still in it but I have still made some major changes to it. The 'CM' logo is still in the top left corner, but everything else is either resized or moved to a different spot. After the feedback in class, I decided to go with what everyone was saying and decided to move the coffin with the writing down to the bottom, move the quote nearer to the top and resize it so that it is smaller and the last thing I did was make the authors name smaller so that you would have more chance of noticing the title name which is in the coffin, instead of just looking straight at the author text. I think that this style works much more than the origonal style which I had because eveything has been replaced and resized making the whole book profile image stand out more.

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