Thursday 20 January 2011

Health, Safety and Copyright

There wasn't many of any health and safety issues in this project which I couldn't get round. One health and safety issue which came across was sitting in front of a computer screen for ages, but I took breaks in between so this wasn't an issue for me. Another health and safety issue could be that people may get offended by the final piece, but this isn't an issue for me because I haven't got anything in my design which people can take any offence to. Another issue would be posture. As I am sitting on a computer my posture may not be straight, but I make sure that I straighten up and stretch every now and then.

I haven't got any copyright in my work because I made sure that the images I used which were not mine were labelled for reuse, so this made it possible for me to use the images which I did in my final product.

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