Tuesday 8 March 2011

What business are you really in?

The business which I am located in would be screen printing. I am going to be known as a screen printer who does t-shirt printing, rather than a t-shirt printer who does screen printing, this way it shows that people don't only have to come for t-shirts, they could also come for posters, sofa prints etc.

I think that through my business I will get a lot of business around Cambridge, especially with all the students around. I could make a variety of t-shirts representing Cambridge, along with the t-shirts which other people contact me to do.

My aim is to one day have a shop in London selling my screen printing designs. I would love to become successful in this field and this is my ambition. I would also want to move out to Jamaica for 3 months selling screen printing designs of t-shirts, because I know that in Jamaica they would be desperate to design their own designs and share it with everyone around the nation. I know that I will one day do this.

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