Tuesday 22 June 2010

Film re-make project (write up)

In todays lessons at long road we had to make a re-make of a film i groups chosen randomly. The film sequence that my group had, was the 'Blues Brothers' and the scene that was chosen for us was the 'Nun' scene where they have a meeting with a nun. This lasts two minutes forty seconds. I enjoyed doing this scene as it was really funny.

In our planning me and Sven drew out a storyboard of every different shot and Elliot wrote out the script. Ali and Sophie wrote down all the places that we could use for this scene. The props we used were two pairs of sunglasses, a hat and a hat which we made. There was no costumes included as we didn't have any. 

The shoot was quite fun to do and we had to work together to get it done properly. We did it all in one room as the sequence was only in one room, and we had to have alot of different angles..

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