Tuesday 22 June 2010

Film re-make project (the sequences)

The original sequence (Blues Brothers):

Above is the original version to the blues brothers. I think that this sequence is funny and is a classic part to the film.

The Re-make (Blues Sisters?):

This is our version which we have re-named the blues sisters, I think that our version is funny and we have tried to make it as similar as we could to the original.

Re-Make and Original together:

This is our re-make and the original of the blues brothers side by side. As you can see we have some weaknesses is our version as ours is much shorter than the original version and it isn't absolutely accurate. We didn't get all the shots perfect either and we had to use some of the original footage in the places which we didn't do.

The strengths of our footage is the fact that we got all the script right and most of the shots were perfect. I like how we have switched everything like the nun is a male and the brothers are in fact sisters.

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