Monday 28 June 2010

Photography Task

Here are my three different compositions of a daisy which I took today at long road. As you can see they have all been edited in different ways, and I done this in photoshop. I think that I have done a good job in making them all look interesting, and I think each effect suits each composition.

Poster edge:

Pastel effect:

Black and white:

Sunday 27 June 2010

Exteneded project (idea 2)

What do you want to learn how to do?
I want to do photography by using film and digital and with the film I want to learn how to process and develop my pictures.

Why does this interest you?
This interests me because I done well in photography GCSE, so I think it will be a good thhing to do again.

What might be some of the issues this project might cause?
Timing might be an issue because if I went to develop at a shop sometimes they take a few days, but if I did it at home it should be alright unless I over develop something, or if the negatives get exposed to light.

How will you measure your success?
I will measure my success by making sure I have taken the pictures before hand so it will give me more time to develop.

Exteneded project (idea 1)

What do you want to learn how to do?
I want to learn how to stretch canvas.

Why does this interest you?
This interests me because I think that it would be a good thing to do and it is something which I have never done before, so it should be fun.

What might be some of the issues this project might cause?
Having to buy canvas might be an issue as it is quite expensive.

How will you measure your success?
I will measure my success by making sure I have enough canvas, and by getting my dad to teach me how to stretch it.

Friday 25 June 2010

Film remake peer assesment


She played a good role as Jake and it was funny because it is supposed to be a mans role. She also wrote out the script and she found places for us to do the scene.

Some constructive help for improvement for her would be to keep a straight face in acting and try not to laugh.


She played the role as Elwood and just like Ali I think that she played this role very well.

For improvement she could have had more confidence in her acting skills.


He opened the door very well with confidence, and he also closed the door half way with speed.

He should try to be on time so that he could have had a set role instead of having no role in the film remake.


He helped me with the script and he also did all of the filming.

He should have noticed that his reflection was in the door whilst he was filming.


He found the script online and he played a good part in the remake, which was the nun. He also did the editing of our remake and uploaded everything to vimeo. So he was the main role in the sequence.

I think that Elliott done his job very well so I don't think he needs any improvements.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Extended Project ideas

I have now got one idea which I could use for my extended project. I am thinking of maybe using my photography skills to do landscapes or maybe something else. If I continue with this idea I will look in to using my digital and film cameras and using my dads darkroom at home to develop film photos. I will also have to be looking at landscapes around cambridge or even around places that I may go to.

For work experience to help with my extended project then I might go on a trip with my dad to take photos abroad and help him with filming and photography for the fiwts william museum

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Film re-make project (the sequences)

The original sequence (Blues Brothers):

Above is the original version to the blues brothers. I think that this sequence is funny and is a classic part to the film.

The Re-make (Blues Sisters?):

This is our version which we have re-named the blues sisters, I think that our version is funny and we have tried to make it as similar as we could to the original.

Re-Make and Original together:

This is our re-make and the original of the blues brothers side by side. As you can see we have some weaknesses is our version as ours is much shorter than the original version and it isn't absolutely accurate. We didn't get all the shots perfect either and we had to use some of the original footage in the places which we didn't do.

The strengths of our footage is the fact that we got all the script right and most of the shots were perfect. I like how we have switched everything like the nun is a male and the brothers are in fact sisters.

Film re-make project (write up)

In todays lessons at long road we had to make a re-make of a film i groups chosen randomly. The film sequence that my group had, was the 'Blues Brothers' and the scene that was chosen for us was the 'Nun' scene where they have a meeting with a nun. This lasts two minutes forty seconds. I enjoyed doing this scene as it was really funny.

In our planning me and Sven drew out a storyboard of every different shot and Elliot wrote out the script. Ali and Sophie wrote down all the places that we could use for this scene. The props we used were two pairs of sunglasses, a hat and a hat which we made. There was no costumes included as we didn't have any. 

The shoot was quite fun to do and we had to work together to get it done properly. We did it all in one room as the sequence was only in one room, and we had to have alot of different angles..

Exteneded project ideas

I have not yet thought of any ideas for my extended project, but I will be thinking of ideas that I can use for my project over time. I think the reason that I have not yet thought or found any ideas is because I want to think of something new to what I have already done, instead of having a similar project.
I will post some ideas over the weekend if I have thought of any, but at the moment I am left with no ideas.