My idea is to do with CDs and Ipods and how an Ipod is now more popular than a CD, so is there much point of CDs anymore. I have a little quote from me which I will put in the design which says "Tons of CDs make just one ipod" which basically means if you can put thousands of songs on your ipod is there much point of having CDs anymore. I will create this on A3 and the image will be an ipod surrounded by tons of CDs and the text will be on the ipod screen. My reasons for doing this idea is because I think that there are many issues between CDs and Ipods, and I want people to read and look at my work and have there own decision about the issue. I can see a few problems with my choice of idea, as people may not understand what the idea is all about and we don't have that long left so I need to get started on to make sure that the idea is clear. My idea fits the issue because I am using these elements to create a whole new object. I was influenced when I recently put some CDs onto my ipod and was just thinking about how thousands of songs from lots of CDs can be transferred onto this tiny little thing we call an ipod and theres still more space on it to do more. This is what made me want to do this as an issue and an idea.
Project Proposal 2 - New Age Disk
My idea is to get lots of CDs and spread them around to create one massive CD, then I will put a normal sized ipod in the middle, and there will be something on the screen of the ipod saying something like, "you can get all of this, in something this small". I think this will be easy enough to do all I need to do is get some blank CDs to spread around. For this idea I am wanting the audience to have there own views on this and make their own minds up on it. I was influenced on doing this idea when I thought of the first one. I was just thinking that it would be quite cool to have lots of CDs made to look like one big CD and then to have a normal sized ipod in the middle of it.
Project Proposal - Ipod Breakthrough (drawing/painting)
For this idea I am thinking of drawing two halves of a CD and breaking through these two halves will be an ipod, which shows that ipods have broken through a lot over the past few years and are more popular than CDs are, because they can do more than what a CD can do.
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