Monday, 10 January 2011

Mentor Feedback

I showed my mentor my idea and he has gave me some advise on what I should do next which I think has helped me a lot other wise I might have been taking my issue idea in the wrong direction.

He said to me that at the moment my idea is stable, but is a little bit boring at the moment. He then said that I should do some more research about evolution of data storage, and instead of doing something literal like my idea is at the moment I could do something like compare the difference between something like a raison and a football, and this will basically show the difference between the storage of CDs and the Ipod, because you can store a lot more things on an ipod than you can on a CD, so this is showing the same thing as my first idea but in a more original way which makes it better.

I am going to take his advise on board and the next thing which I am going to do is find some research on data storage to see how much more storage an ipod can actually hold than that of a CD or lots of CD's.

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