Tuesday 28 December 2010

What I want to achieve

For my first idea I am planning to create what I have on the last post which is an ipod surrounded by CD's to get across the issue of how CD's are no longer in need as we now have ipods, itunes and youtube where people now prefer to listen to there music, instead of on a disk.

This is the idea I am going to concerntrate on most, but obviously I will be looking into other ideas. I am needing to get a lot more research for this idea, so that when it comes to the practical work I know what I am doing.

I definitely know that I want to make a big poster of the ipod with CD's around it but I am still wondering whether I should draw/paint it, or create it in photoshop or illustrator, this is what I am going to look into next, but for now I am just going to get some research down in my sketchbook and on my blog and also I am going to look into my other ideas.

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