Wednesday 29 December 2010

Issue 3 -

Issue 2 - Identity Stereotypes

My first idea within this issue is to take pictures of people stereotyped as Chavs, Gangsters, Emo's and Geeks and then mount the pictures up onto an A3 piece of paper and title each photograph with the name of the stereotype.

My second idea within this issue is to draw the stereotypes instead of taking pictures or to get some from creative commons, and with these I will get a background from creative commons if I were to draw them.

Taking apart my controller

I have started to take my xbox 360 controller apart as I now have the right tool needed to do this. This is the beginning to customizing my own controller.

The next thing which I need to do is clean the parts of the controller and then I can move on to customizing it, but I need to come up with some ideas of what I am going to do when I spray paint it.

I still need to get all the colours which I need to do this and I am going to have to buy this spray paints to make this happen.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

What I want to achieve

For my first idea I am planning to create what I have on the last post which is an ipod surrounded by CD's to get across the issue of how CD's are no longer in need as we now have ipods, itunes and youtube where people now prefer to listen to there music, instead of on a disk.

This is the idea I am going to concerntrate on most, but obviously I will be looking into other ideas. I am needing to get a lot more research for this idea, so that when it comes to the practical work I know what I am doing.

I definitely know that I want to make a big poster of the ipod with CD's around it but I am still wondering whether I should draw/paint it, or create it in photoshop or illustrator, this is what I am going to look into next, but for now I am just going to get some research down in my sketchbook and on my blog and also I am going to look into my other ideas.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Main issue (CDs vs Ipod)

My first idea is all about the issues in music technology and how people used to listen to music by using a CD, and you had to buy a CD from the shop. But now all you have to do is buy an ipod and download your songs from itunes.

The piece that I would end up making for this idea is having lots and lots of CD's bundled together in the background and in the middle of all of this there will be just one ipod. I think that this is a good idea as it is a major issue in music technology and shows how an ipod stands out when comparing it with CD's. It can also shows that nowadays if people had the choice out of CD's and an ipod, most people would go for an ipod

Practitioner 2 - Giggs (Grime music artist)

Above is the music video for the song 'Talking the hardest' by Giggs. He is a grime music artist and I chose this video because the way it is presented is the same way in which the film kidulthood is presented. Its supposed to make younger people look 'scary' towards others.

I think that this video shows how younger people are around London and I chose this as one of my practitioners because I think it relates to kidulthood the most as a music video. This idea shows the issues around teenagers and how they are stereotyped.

Practitioner 1 - Adulthood (Teen Film)

Above is the trailer for the film 'Kidulthood'. This film stereotypes teenagers as wearing hoods and going out starting trouble. I chose this film as a practitioner research because I am going to compare it with a music artist like Giggs or Dizzee Rascal and how they present their music videos. I particularly like this film and feel that it relates to a lot of teens.

By researching this film I can tell that Noel Clarke feels this is the way teenagers are represented, especially in the area of London. I might do an idea similar to this but in photographs instead of an actual film. I might have the issues of teenage stereotyping.

New Project - Issues (A Personal Response)

The new project topic is called 'Issues - A Personal Response' or 'The Sweet Project'. The aim of this project is to come up with an individual final piece of work, which can be a collage, art, photography, t-shirt, advert, music, game and so on and then as a class we have to organise a group show to put up as an exhibition in two different shops next door to each other on Hobson and Sussex street, and our work will be in the windows. We get four weeks in total to do this project in. two of those weeks will be in the christmas holidays where we just need to do research on our chosen ideas, and practitioner research, and the other two remaining weeks will be in college time, where we have to prepare and produce our final piece.

Things we are not aloud to have in our final piece:
. Graphic Nudity
. Extreme Violence
. Weaponry
. Drug References
. Political Nature

I think that this project will be fun because it is very different from any other project that we have done, because in this one we actually get to display our final pieces in our very own group exhibition. The next thing I am planning is to find my two practitioners which I am going to look at and then I am going to start on my ideas.

Sunday 12 December 2010

How my final product fits the brief

I have now finished my final product which is a PDF template of my design. It shows the netting of my design and it also has an empty template for people to create their very own design.

I think that my idea fits the brief as opportunities for global audiences because anyone can have a go at making a flatpack design by using my PDF. So it is an opportunity for global audiences to make a flatpack design and its an opportunity for people to share their designs with other people. This is how my idea fits to the brief.

I am happy with my final product, because it not only shows my own design, but it has an empty template which I made so that people can sketch out their own design. It is also something that can be sold on, and I could make many more designs with the template if I wanted to start selling them. Which makes it an opportunity for me as well as others.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Creating my Flatpack

I have now finished making my flatpack design of Bill Gates from scratch. I had to make my own template and I drew out bill Gates by hand and edited it on photoshop and illustrator to make it look more cartoon like.

Here are the images from start to finish of the making of Bill Gates:


Template with my sketch:

Cutting out image:

Putting netting together:

Near Finish:

Final design:

Thursday 2 December 2010

Practise Flatpack

I have practised designing a flatpack design by using the netting off cubeecraft and building the image that was on it which is 'Barack Obama' and by building it up it then becomes 3D.