Tuesday 19 October 2010

Todays Action Plan (19/10/10)

The first thing which we are planning to do is to continue with the white sheet. On the white sheet are a load of tasks which we need to get completed individually and some by working together. We need to work together to do the focus group and also look at audience feedback to put into our group production bible folder. Once we have the focus group organised and completed we will then upload the footage and edit it, we will then write up the transcript of the interviews.

If we finish the sheet and have enough time, we will then start on the yellow sheet which is to be done in groups. The tasks state that we need to get scouting reports for our locations, and we have pictures. Another task is to get model release forms for the cast and crew to sign. Then there is resources which shows what equipment we used and alternative uses. Finally we have the legalities to do which is the health and safety part, where we need to complete a risk assessment for each shoot.

If we do not get this part done by today then we will definitely do it by tomorrow.

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