Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Issue 2 - Identity Stereotypes
My first idea within this issue is to take pictures of people stereotyped as Chavs, Gangsters, Emo's and Geeks and then mount the pictures up onto an A3 piece of paper and title each photograph with the name of the stereotype.
My second idea within this issue is to draw the stereotypes instead of taking pictures or to get some from creative commons, and with these I will get a background from creative commons if I were to draw them.
Taking apart my controller
I have started to take my xbox 360 controller apart as I now have the right tool needed to do this. This is the beginning to customizing my own controller.
The next thing which I need to do is clean the parts of the controller and then I can move on to customizing it, but I need to come up with some ideas of what I am going to do when I spray paint it.
I still need to get all the colours which I need to do this and I am going to have to buy this spray paints to make this happen.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
What I want to achieve
For my first idea I am planning to create what I have on the last post which is an ipod surrounded by CD's to get across the issue of how CD's are no longer in need as we now have ipods, itunes and youtube where people now prefer to listen to there music, instead of on a disk.
This is the idea I am going to concerntrate on most, but obviously I will be looking into other ideas. I am needing to get a lot more research for this idea, so that when it comes to the practical work I know what I am doing.
I definitely know that I want to make a big poster of the ipod with CD's around it but I am still wondering whether I should draw/paint it, or create it in photoshop or illustrator, this is what I am going to look into next, but for now I am just going to get some research down in my sketchbook and on my blog and also I am going to look into my other ideas.
This is the idea I am going to concerntrate on most, but obviously I will be looking into other ideas. I am needing to get a lot more research for this idea, so that when it comes to the practical work I know what I am doing.
I definitely know that I want to make a big poster of the ipod with CD's around it but I am still wondering whether I should draw/paint it, or create it in photoshop or illustrator, this is what I am going to look into next, but for now I am just going to get some research down in my sketchbook and on my blog and also I am going to look into my other ideas.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Main issue (CDs vs Ipod)
My first idea is all about the issues in music technology and how people used to listen to music by using a CD, and you had to buy a CD from the shop. But now all you have to do is buy an ipod and download your songs from itunes.
The piece that I would end up making for this idea is having lots and lots of CD's bundled together in the background and in the middle of all of this there will be just one ipod. I think that this is a good idea as it is a major issue in music technology and shows how an ipod stands out when comparing it with CD's. It can also shows that nowadays if people had the choice out of CD's and an ipod, most people would go for an ipod

Practitioner 2 - Giggs (Grime music artist)
Above is the music video for the song 'Talking the hardest' by Giggs. He is a grime music artist and I chose this video because the way it is presented is the same way in which the film kidulthood is presented. Its supposed to make younger people look 'scary' towards others.
I think that this video shows how younger people are around London and I chose this as one of my practitioners because I think it relates to kidulthood the most as a music video. This idea shows the issues around teenagers and how they are stereotyped.
Practitioner 1 - Adulthood (Teen Film)
Above is the trailer for the film 'Kidulthood'. This film stereotypes teenagers as wearing hoods and going out starting trouble. I chose this film as a practitioner research because I am going to compare it with a music artist like Giggs or Dizzee Rascal and how they present their music videos. I particularly like this film and feel that it relates to a lot of teens.
By researching this film I can tell that Noel Clarke feels this is the way teenagers are represented, especially in the area of London. I might do an idea similar to this but in photographs instead of an actual film. I might have the issues of teenage stereotyping.
New Project - Issues (A Personal Response)
The new project topic is called 'Issues - A Personal Response' or 'The Sweet Project'. The aim of this project is to come up with an individual final piece of work, which can be a collage, art, photography, t-shirt, advert, music, game and so on and then as a class we have to organise a group show to put up as an exhibition in two different shops next door to each other on Hobson and Sussex street, and our work will be in the windows. We get four weeks in total to do this project in. two of those weeks will be in the christmas holidays where we just need to do research on our chosen ideas, and practitioner research, and the other two remaining weeks will be in college time, where we have to prepare and produce our final piece.
Things we are not aloud to have in our final piece:
. Graphic Nudity
. Extreme Violence
. Weaponry
. Drug References
. Political Nature
I think that this project will be fun because it is very different from any other project that we have done, because in this one we actually get to display our final pieces in our very own group exhibition. The next thing I am planning is to find my two practitioners which I am going to look at and then I am going to start on my ideas.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
How my final product fits the brief
I have now finished my final product which is a PDF template of my design. It shows the netting of my design and it also has an empty template for people to create their very own design.
I think that my idea fits the brief as opportunities for global audiences because anyone can have a go at making a flatpack design by using my PDF. So it is an opportunity for global audiences to make a flatpack design and its an opportunity for people to share their designs with other people. This is how my idea fits to the brief.
I am happy with my final product, because it not only shows my own design, but it has an empty template which I made so that people can sketch out their own design. It is also something that can be sold on, and I could make many more designs with the template if I wanted to start selling them. Which makes it an opportunity for me as well as others.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Creating my Flatpack
I have now finished making my flatpack design of Bill Gates from scratch. I had to make my own template and I drew out bill Gates by hand and edited it on photoshop and illustrator to make it look more cartoon like.

Here are the images from start to finish of the making of Bill Gates:

Template with my sketch:

Cutting out image:
Putting netting together:
Near Finish:
Final design:
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Practise Flatpack
I have practised designing a flatpack design by using the netting off cubeecraft and building the image that was on it which is 'Barack Obama' and by building it up it then becomes 3D.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Idea change
In this weeks lesson on monday, I was still unhappy about the idea I had, but I have now come up with a new idea, which is to create a 'Flatpack toy'.

A flatpack toy is a built up 3D image which you design on card and use the netting to create it into a 3D image. I have already had a go at this, and for my first try I attempted to do it on paper and it didn't work out as everything didn't stay together, so I just stuck it into my sketchbook instead. My next step is to create the same image, but I will do it on card instead, as it will hold together that way. The person who I am building up as a flatpack is 'Barack Obama', but for my final design I am going to create my own design.
Here is a flatpack design which I found on the cubeecraft website:
This is the netting of the image:

Final Product:

Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Todays lesson 24/11/10
In todays lesson I worked on a google application called 'Sketch Up'. It is a 3D sketching software, and I was just playing around with it attempting to make a 3D action man instead of a 2D one which I think will be a bit more of a challenge and will look better once iv'e done it.

Here are some pictures of my work so far:
This is a screengrab of the software with my work on it. From this you can see all of the tools at the top, such as grab, move, rotate, draw, scale and more.

This is my first attempt of making a head and hair in 3D. I think that this is a good first attempt of making a head, but it is probably scaled up too large.

This is a 3D image which i downloaded from the software and it is a whole person which I am aiming to achieve. I downloaded this so that I could understand how to create a 3D person a bit more.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Making my own 'action man'
I have started to create my own action man and I will be able to use this same figure for the rest that I will make. Here are the stages that I have gone through and what I have produced.

Stage One:

Stage Two:

Stage Three:

Stage three is where I am at, at the moment. I still need to create the legs and face, and other detailed body parts.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Project Plan 15th - 19th November
Monday - Pitch feedback, Practise on illustrator, Finalise my idea, Sketchbook (research)
Tuesday - Secondary research and Sketchbook (research)
Wednesday - Illustrator, Web research, Photoshop
Thursday - Blog and Sketchbook
Friday - More illustrator practise and Research
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Presentation feedback
On friday 12th November I did my keynote presentation on my two main ideas for the globalisation project. I think that I presented it well but I found it quite hard to get everything out as I am not to confident in speaking infront of people. But, I think I did enough for the client to understand what my ideas were all about.
The clients feedback on my ideas was to maybe merge both my ideas together. Idea 1 was to make an action figurine, and idea 2 was to make an advert on different ethnic backgrounds playing football together. The client thought that I should merge these ideas together by designing a small animation, and to use illustrator. He also thought that I could get some of my old action figures and 'customize' them instead of making my own. Then from this I could make my own video using 'istock motion' or something else.
The clients feedback on my ideas was to maybe merge both my ideas together. Idea 1 was to make an action figurine, and idea 2 was to make an advert on different ethnic backgrounds playing football together. The client thought that I should merge these ideas together by designing a small animation, and to use illustrator. He also thought that I could get some of my old action figures and 'customize' them instead of making my own. Then from this I could make my own video using 'istock motion' or something else.
The idea which I want to progress with is idea two because it is the idea which I have thought about the most and I think that I will do better with this idea. I will also consider the clients feedback throughout the course of this project and I will hopefully be successful.
Here is the feedback which he wrote down whilst I was giving the presentation:
1)make own action man style figure.
highways across continents - what would your own action man look like.........SWOT analysis is fine
2)Football idea - how would you get different nationalities together and how would you show they are different nationalities.
Option - scale down idea 1 to something 2D, think photoshop.
continue 2 ideas?
The presentation was a bit nervy but ok....slides were ok.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Globalisation Keynote
This is my keynote showing my two main ideas which I am going to pitch to the 'client' in tomorrows lesson, where I will be filmed giving out my presentation.
Keynote (globalisation)
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Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Equipment Lists
Here is my equipment list showing everything that I need at the moment to continue with the project. I have also added the costs of each piece of equipment which I have ordered.
1st Equipment List
A4 Sketchbook - 65p
A4 Sketchbook - 65p
Sketching Pencils - £1.50
Mindmap of my initial ideas
Here is my mindmap of my initial ideas. I am still looking for other ideas but at the moment these are the ones which I am going to research on. At the moment the ideas which I will take forwards the most are 'Globalisation in different cultures' and Globalisation in online gaming'.

Sunday, 7 November 2010
Fridays lesson 5th November
In fridays lesson we worked on the extended project, sharing out our ideas and talking about what we hope to have completed in the short term and long term.
My idea originally was to stretch pictures onto canvas, and I may still continue with this. But I have now got another idea which is to custom paint some xbox controllers.
My short term goal is to have all of the equipment ready for the customizing and also to draw out some sketches for possible ideas which I might use for the final piece. I think with this sorted out I could be well on my way to making a great piece of customizing art work.
My long term goal is to have completed two fully custom painted controllers with stencil/art pen writing on them, and to have made a video of me customizing them and speeding the video up. I think a sped up video of me doing this will look really cool. I also want to take a picture of the before and afters and stretch them onto canvas. This can also be recorded.
My idea originally was to stretch pictures onto canvas, and I may still continue with this. But I have now got another idea which is to custom paint some xbox controllers.
My short term goal is to have all of the equipment ready for the customizing and also to draw out some sketches for possible ideas which I might use for the final piece. I think with this sorted out I could be well on my way to making a great piece of customizing art work.
My long term goal is to have completed two fully custom painted controllers with stencil/art pen writing on them, and to have made a video of me customizing them and speeding the video up. I think a sped up video of me doing this will look really cool. I also want to take a picture of the before and afters and stretch them onto canvas. This can also be recorded.
Friday, 5 November 2010
For my extended project as I have already explained I am going to stretch canvas, but I have now had another idea to customise faceplates and controllers. As Liam has also thought of the idea to customize faceplates, we have decided that we are going to help each other out in the process, and sort of work together on the extended project.
In the picture below is a screengrab from amazon showing where we can order xbox 360 faceplates from. I think this is going to be the main target to order from.

This is the process in which it can go through. It starts off like the white faceplate and when you have custom painted it, hopefully we will end up with similar things shown below.

Here is an ordianry xbox 360 controller which hasn't been customized.

This is the sort of thing I am aiming to achieve when the controller has been fully customized. I think I will make around two custom painted controllers and Liam will probably do the faceplates.

This can then link with my canvas stretching idea, as I can then take pictures of our outcomes and then stretch them onto canvas.
In the picture below is a screengrab from amazon showing where we can order xbox 360 faceplates from. I think this is going to be the main target to order from.

This is the process in which it can go through. It starts off like the white faceplate and when you have custom painted it, hopefully we will end up with similar things shown below.

Here is an ordianry xbox 360 controller which hasn't been customized.

This is the sort of thing I am aiming to achieve when the controller has been fully customized. I think I will make around two custom painted controllers and Liam will probably do the faceplates.

This can then link with my canvas stretching idea, as I can then take pictures of our outcomes and then stretch them onto canvas.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Project Report
Here is my illustrated project report on my own individual tasks which I did in each of the following: Research, Planning, Production, Feedback, Evaluation.
Project Report
In this project I have found out my own research about the history of hooliganism, I found some fonts which we could have used for our final webisode. I also created the treatment for our websiode which leads up to the pitch and talked about what the idea was and what it was based around. This is all visible to see in my sketchbook or on my blog. I did the pitch document as well, and on this included the 'Synopsis', 'Rationale' and the 'Contingency plan'. I inked over the storyboard and made some images in more detail, I found out about hooligan clothing.
Within the production of our final webisode I like to see myself as being the person who came up with the editing ideas and although I didn't handle the editing as much I put as much imput into everything as the person I worked with. This was a major joint effort, but we separately came up with ideas, and agreed or disagreed on what we thought looked best in the footage until we came up with the best solution as a joint decision. There was much more to the production such as camerawork which I took control of and I also took a little acting role. I made some of the sound effects and found the music for the webisode.
I created a facebook group where people could leave any feedback on our webisode. This group was all about our webisode and I updated it any time we did something new, so that the target audience that were interested could see what we had done, and how far we had made it. So I took control on this. We also had a website where I posted a few things onto as well.In my sketchbook I have put down all of the feedback which people have given us.
There were four seperate parts to the evaluation so we shared it out so we both did two parts of it each. I did the 'Resourses' part where I had to list and get pictures of everything we had used throughout the project and also I named the price for each resourse, which was difficult to find out, but I got everything that I needed to get down, into it.The scond part which I did was the 'Cast and Crew' section where I had to create a model release form for each of the actors and they all had to sign it, or if they were under the age of 18 they had to get their parents to sign it for them.
I feel that I have had my fair part in this project and as a whole have come a long way from just having an idea, to actually creating it, adding all the little things that make it much better, like the sound effects and visual effects. I think that I have done a very good job in this project as an individual, and 'we' have done a very good job as a team.
In this project I have found out my own research about the history of hooliganism, I found some fonts which we could have used for our final webisode. I also created the treatment for our websiode which leads up to the pitch and talked about what the idea was and what it was based around. This is all visible to see in my sketchbook or on my blog. I did the pitch document as well, and on this included the 'Synopsis', 'Rationale' and the 'Contingency plan'. I inked over the storyboard and made some images in more detail, I found out about hooligan clothing.
Within the production of our final webisode I like to see myself as being the person who came up with the editing ideas and although I didn't handle the editing as much I put as much imput into everything as the person I worked with. This was a major joint effort, but we separately came up with ideas, and agreed or disagreed on what we thought looked best in the footage until we came up with the best solution as a joint decision. There was much more to the production such as camerawork which I took control of and I also took a little acting role. I made some of the sound effects and found the music for the webisode.
I created a facebook group where people could leave any feedback on our webisode. This group was all about our webisode and I updated it any time we did something new, so that the target audience that were interested could see what we had done, and how far we had made it. So I took control on this. We also had a website where I posted a few things onto as well.In my sketchbook I have put down all of the feedback which people have given us.
There were four seperate parts to the evaluation so we shared it out so we both did two parts of it each. I did the 'Resourses' part where I had to list and get pictures of everything we had used throughout the project and also I named the price for each resourse, which was difficult to find out, but I got everything that I needed to get down, into it.The scond part which I did was the 'Cast and Crew' section where I had to create a model release form for each of the actors and they all had to sign it, or if they were under the age of 18 they had to get their parents to sign it for them.
I feel that I have had my fair part in this project and as a whole have come a long way from just having an idea, to actually creating it, adding all the little things that make it much better, like the sound effects and visual effects. I think that I have done a very good job in this project as an individual, and 'we' have done a very good job as a team.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Here is my resource list which I created in photoshop. I put down a list of the things we used and the prices of which they come to. I also have pictures of what was used as well just incase people don't know what things are.

As you can see there are some things which doesn't have a budget like, facebook, but other things like the make-up and the tripod costs.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Todays Action Plan (19/10/10)
The first thing which we are planning to do is to continue with the white sheet. On the white sheet are a load of tasks which we need to get completed individually and some by working together. We need to work together to do the focus group and also look at audience feedback to put into our group production bible folder. Once we have the focus group organised and completed we will then upload the footage and edit it, we will then write up the transcript of the interviews.
If we finish the sheet and have enough time, we will then start on the yellow sheet which is to be done in groups. The tasks state that we need to get scouting reports for our locations, and we have pictures. Another task is to get model release forms for the cast and crew to sign. Then there is resources which shows what equipment we used and alternative uses. Finally we have the legalities to do which is the health and safety part, where we need to complete a risk assessment for each shoot.
If we do not get this part done by today then we will definitely do it by tomorrow.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Comparing roughcut to finished video
Here is the roughcut version of 'The North Stand'
Here is the final version of 'The North Stand'
As you can see both of the copies are very different to each other and there is a significant change between them both. I am going to go through all the changes in this post.
When watching the roughcut version you can hear all the natural sounds, so when the shots change the background noise changes and it doesn't flow very well, also this makes the fighting look less realistic because there is no noise when the punching and kicking happens because there is no sound effects. Whereas in the final version everything flows because we found some natural sound so when he is walking you can hear the same sound which runs through to the next shot. Also we dubbed over the speech where the two friends meet at college because the sound wasn't flowing well at all, but now it does. The fight scene also now looks very realistic because we went out and created our own punching/kicking noises. There is also now a voiceover.
The music in the roughcut is no longer in the final version because we though that it was too soft and calm music, so we found some quite heavy house music, similar to the music in football factory. This music continues to play through the opening sequence and drowns out towards the fight scene. Once the fight scene is over, we introduce some new music, which is a rock type song. I chose this because I thought that it fits in the fight scene and also when the credits come up this is the type of music that makes it look even better. In the roughcut there is no music at the end because we didn't have time to.
Visual Effects:
There have been many changes in visual effects from our roughcut to our final version of the webisode. In the final version we have added special effects like posterize for the beginning of the sequence and we have also used a staged live action to a staggered rotor scoping effect, which takes you from one place to another by transforming a still image. This effect works because in the roughcut version he is in one place and then in the next shot he is at college, but now we have that effect in place it makes it more believable and not so rushed. We have also made some really nice sharp cuts in certain places which makes evrything look fast pace and also as if it is an actual real fight going on. There is none of this happening in the roughcut version. We still have the cuts where he gets kicked in the face when he's on the floor and it goes in and out of black when he gets hit which was also seen in the roughcut version. On the roughcut draft we had gaps that needed to be filled and we found a way to fill them in which we made by using title sequences. The main title sequence which display the name of the webisode appears in the part where it fades into him telling the whole story. The roughcut only showed the fade and people got confused by what was happening, but now with the title it is more understood that this is the part where he is explaining what happend.
I personally think that me and Louis have come a long way from our roughcut and have turned it into a really watchable football hooligan webisode.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Action plan for editing webisode
We have now finished all of the footage needed for our webisode and me and Louis have got some good ideas to make our football hooligan type webisode look really cool. Now we have our rough cut version sorted and uploaded we now need to take the feedback we got from the class and make our webisode top quality.
Our ideas for tomorrows lesson is to continue with the editing and hopefully finish it by the end of the day. Some of the feedback suggested that we needed to dub some speach over some talking because all you can hear is the natural sounds like the wind and buses.
We will have to play around with the soundtrack as well because the tempo and volume doesn't fit very well with the webisode at the moment. We have put in all the shots we want, we now just need to make some good effects and add them on to it. Such as slow motion, fades, blackouts. Another thing we need to do is make a dramatic fade so that when people are watching it they can tell that the fight scene is a story that he is telling and not just him suddenly wearing a different outfit. In the lesson tomorrow we will also be adding narrative to go over the top of some parts and also titles. We have both decided and agreed where we want to put the titles, and have got the greatest spot to put the main title 'The North Stand' in.
Our ideas for tomorrows lesson is to continue with the editing and hopefully finish it by the end of the day. Some of the feedback suggested that we needed to dub some speach over some talking because all you can hear is the natural sounds like the wind and buses.
We will have to play around with the soundtrack as well because the tempo and volume doesn't fit very well with the webisode at the moment. We have put in all the shots we want, we now just need to make some good effects and add them on to it. Such as slow motion, fades, blackouts. Another thing we need to do is make a dramatic fade so that when people are watching it they can tell that the fight scene is a story that he is telling and not just him suddenly wearing a different outfit. In the lesson tomorrow we will also be adding narrative to go over the top of some parts and also titles. We have both decided and agreed where we want to put the titles, and have got the greatest spot to put the main title 'The North Stand' in.
Some of the effects that we are planning to use in our opening part of the sequence is the notebook effect and also put a gausin effect over the top of it to make it look black and white with a rough effect on it. There has been an extension on the beginning of our webisode in the title sequence. On this part we will use the notebook/gausin effect and we also have some freeze frames for it as well. There are shots of a police man walking away which I think works well and also will hopefully help people understand it more.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Todays Plan (5th Oct)
My plans for today changed as the original plan was to finish the animatic and update my sketchbook, but as we had the opportunity to use the camera we decided that we should film instead. So we made our way down to the grafton to find a suitable location, which were flats. When we got all of our shots we came back to college and uploaded everything to final cut. We have now started to edit the shots which we took today.
Hooligan Clothing (Brands)
I have found some clothing which I think fits the genre of football hooliganism and this is what we want the actors in our webisode to be wearing. There are such brands as Fred Perry, Lacoste, Ralph lauren etc that we are hoping to use for the characters.

Thursday, 30 September 2010
Fonts for my webisode
Here are some fonts which I have looked at and think will be suitable for my webisode based on football hooliganism. I am aiming to use one of these fonts for my final webisode piece.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010
My Weeks plan and todays plan 27th - 1st October
This is the week plan for my groups targets.
Week targets and Todays targets Jahmal
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Monday, 27 September 2010
My Pitch document
This is my pitch document for my genre project. I have described the story in an understandable way, the rationale shows research that I have picked up from the market audience, and the contingency plan shows some of the issues we may face. I think that the pitch document has enough information to know what we will be getting up to when finding locations and so on.
Football hooligan pitch jahmal
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Friday, 24 September 2010
Here is mine and Louis keynote which I think gets across the main points we wanted people to know about. I think that our keynote is small but we didn't get to finish it in as much detail as we wanted to as we were trying to concentrate on many other things.
Keynote (jahmal and louis)
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Thursday, 23 September 2010
Book Reference for Football Hooligans
This book is called 'Football Hooligans' and in this section of the book I found a quote about teen hooligans, which is helpful as I am doing a webisode about teen hooligans.

Footbal Hooligans - The firm
This is the opening sequence to the 1988 film 'The Firm' this is the sort thing me and Louis are hoping to achieve, but obviously not with the car. We will use fake props i.e blood, baseball bats and bricks to accomplish what we need.
Monday, 20 September 2010
SWOT analysis - main idea (Football Hooligans)
Here is my SWOT analysis for mine and Louis idea of football hooligans. SWOT meaning Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Sunday, 19 September 2010
Genre project 1st review
I so far think that the genre project has gone quite well for me in my sketchbook as i have six genre ideas which I have researched on and I have now Come down to two genres which I am happy with.
The two genres which I have narrowed it down to, are comedy, where I have researched a lot about Laurel and Hardy and Kenen and Kel. I have also chosen to do Action genre where I am going to work with Louis on to do a football hooligan scenario.
So overall I am happy with the stage I am at and I think that the plan me and Louis have decided to do will work, to make a good football hooligan webisode.
The two genres which I have narrowed it down to, are comedy, where I have researched a lot about Laurel and Hardy and Kenen and Kel. I have also chosen to do Action genre where I am going to work with Louis on to do a football hooligan scenario.
So overall I am happy with the stage I am at and I think that the plan me and Louis have decided to do will work, to make a good football hooligan webisode.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Laurel and Hardy Comedy (old and newer films)
In this post I am going to have some videos on old and newer Laurel and Hardy comedy films.
This is another of Laurel and Hardy footage which I have found, but in this footage it has evolved in the way that there is actual sound of the two characters talking. Instead of the music playing loudly as it did before, you can just hear it in the background slightly: (1930's)
This is the latest footage of Laurel and Hardy in colour, as you can see there was a lot of change in Laurel and Hardy comedy, from no sound, to sound, and then finally to colour and sound. This shows that Laurel and Hardy have evolved a lot over the years it was produced: (late 1930's)
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Origins of comedy genre
I found a website which defined the origins of comedy. I think that this website has a lot of good information if your trying to find out what the background of comedy is, and where it all started. I found out that a greek poet called 'Susarion' was the first comic poet or the earliest that was recorded. On this site it also explains that the origins of the comedy genre started with the greeks (Greek comedy).

Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Origins of Dance movies (research)
I found a website which has information on the origins of dance movies from 1948-2008. The website is called and it hasn't got everything up to date but it still gives a list of dance movies which I didn't even know about.
I also looked on wikipedia to see if that could help me in my search to find out about the history and origins of dance movies and I found a part which is called Dance in film. On this site I came across quite a lot of things. There was one film which was produced in 1948 called the 'Red Shoes', which is a ballet film, and this links to a lot of older films which are mainly all ballet films, but a massive change has occurred nowadays in which most films are all about street dancing and dancing competitions and there is always romance in mainly all recent dance films. In newer films/2000's films like 'you got served' this is where the street dancing competitions start to become popular in a range of dance films. A fairly new dance film called 'Dance Flick' has taken a different approach in which they still keep the street dance side to it, but with a comedy twist.
Red Shoes trailer:(1948)
You got served trailer:(2004)
Dance Flick Trailer:(2009)
Monday, 13 September 2010
Interview with a vampire and Original Buffy
Here are the trailers from 'interview with a vampire' and the 'original Buffy' the vampire slayer film which I have embeded off youtube.
Interview with a vampire:
Original Buffy the vampire slayer:
Interview with a vampire:
Original Buffy the vampire slayer:
Vampire and Dance film trailers
I have found two trailers which relate to the title of my post, one is called drakula 'a vampire film' and the other is 'You got served'. I havn't seen drakula before but the trailer tells me that its supposed to be a fast paced horror film. The music suggests this aswell.
The second trailer 'You got served ' is my all time favourite dance film. it is all to do with break dancing and body popping competitions. The trailer music makes yoyu understand which audience its searching for 'younger audience' and in this film there is also romance aswell. There is also something the main characters grouphas to get passed which is another good group which causes conflict and causes the group to loose hope and fall out, but like in any film with this sort of attitude and tempo, things start to change and people start to become friends again. By the end of it everything is back to normal, but better.
Vampire film: (Drakula)
Dance Film: (You got served)
The second trailer 'You got served ' is my all time favourite dance film. it is all to do with break dancing and body popping competitions. The trailer music makes yoyu understand which audience its searching for 'younger audience' and in this film there is also romance aswell. There is also something the main characters grouphas to get passed which is another good group which causes conflict and causes the group to loose hope and fall out, but like in any film with this sort of attitude and tempo, things start to change and people start to become friends again. By the end of it everything is back to normal, but better.
Vampire film: (Drakula)
Dance Film: (You got served)
80's vs 2000's Dance film genre's
In todays lesson we had a look at two different film genres which included vampires with films such as Twilight and The lost boys and two dance films such as Flashdance and Step up. For the post I have decided I am going to talk about both flashdance and Step up.
Here is the trailer for Flashdance: (1983)
Here is the trailer for Step up: (2006)
Both films are about people wanting to dance, but they take a different path in showing this. I n the trailer for flashdance it starts off with the main character 'Alex' a girl who is describing how dancing makes her feel. Her style of dance is Ballete. There is a narrator who speaks over the trailer saying what she wants. Whereas in Step up it starts with one of the main characters in his court case getting sentenced to community service, his style of dance is break dancing, so you can already see the differences between the two. It then shows the other main character 'girl' who is looking for a dance partner and she does ballete, so there is a link to the Flashdance character with this person.
In the trailer for Flashdance it says she is a "woman living in a mans world" and chasing her "dream" which is dancing. Similarly in Step up the girl is chasing her dream, but she needs help doing it. Both stories have a romance in them aswell, as the woman in both fall in love with a man, in Step up this being the other main character. The music for both trailers are very different for each other, as in the 80's Flashdance trailer it is very pop styled, but in the 2000's film Step up it is very hip hop.
Here is the trailer for Flashdance: (1983)
Here is the trailer for Step up: (2006)
Both films are about people wanting to dance, but they take a different path in showing this. I n the trailer for flashdance it starts off with the main character 'Alex' a girl who is describing how dancing makes her feel. Her style of dance is Ballete. There is a narrator who speaks over the trailer saying what she wants. Whereas in Step up it starts with one of the main characters in his court case getting sentenced to community service, his style of dance is break dancing, so you can already see the differences between the two. It then shows the other main character 'girl' who is looking for a dance partner and she does ballete, so there is a link to the Flashdance character with this person.
In the trailer for Flashdance it says she is a "woman living in a mans world" and chasing her "dream" which is dancing. Similarly in Step up the girl is chasing her dream, but she needs help doing it. Both stories have a romance in them aswell, as the woman in both fall in love with a man, in Step up this being the other main character. The music for both trailers are very different for each other, as in the 80's Flashdance trailer it is very pop styled, but in the 2000's film Step up it is very hip hop.
Book cover design task
This image below is where I got the idea from for doing my book cover, I chose this because I thought it looked simple but also I think it is quite funny. In my book cover I replaced the face book with the book title by using the magic wond photoshop tool.

Here is my first draft of my book cover, I think that it is quite funny by using the coffin, but I do think that it needs many changes to it which I will work on. I am going to move a few things around and ajust the sizes to certain things.

This is my final draft of my book cover design which I have made quite a lot of changes to by moving things around. I still decided to keep everything that I had in it before still in it but I have still made some major changes to it. The 'CM' logo is still in the top left corner, but everything else is either resized or moved to a different spot. After the feedback in class, I decided to go with what everyone was saying and decided to move the coffin with the writing down to the bottom, move the quote nearer to the top and resize it so that it is smaller and the last thing I did was make the authors name smaller so that you would have more chance of noticing the title name which is in the coffin, instead of just looking straight at the author text. I think that this style works much more than the origonal style which I had because eveything has been replaced and resized making the whole book profile image stand out more.

Here is my first draft of my book cover, I think that it is quite funny by using the coffin, but I do think that it needs many changes to it which I will work on. I am going to move a few things around and ajust the sizes to certain things.

This is my final draft of my book cover design which I have made quite a lot of changes to by moving things around. I still decided to keep everything that I had in it before still in it but I have still made some major changes to it. The 'CM' logo is still in the top left corner, but everything else is either resized or moved to a different spot. After the feedback in class, I decided to go with what everyone was saying and decided to move the coffin with the writing down to the bottom, move the quote nearer to the top and resize it so that it is smaller and the last thing I did was make the authors name smaller so that you would have more chance of noticing the title name which is in the coffin, instead of just looking straight at the author text. I think that this style works much more than the origonal style which I had because eveything has been replaced and resized making the whole book profile image stand out more.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Google Usage rights
I looked on google and found out about the usage rights. Here is a screengrab of the usage rights which I have taken:

Book cover research
I have researched some book cover designs to do with crime and comedy and I have found some which I think will appeal to a younger audience but still have a formal look to them.

These are all crime/comedy type books:
I found this book cover on amazon by looking through the crime and comedy section. I particularly like the red sky with the buildings that looks like a nice silhouette. The blue ground which makes it look more like a gaming cover also caught my eye.

This is also a book which I found via amazon, I chose this one because I thought the book cover with the cow looked quite funny but the text is formal. I also think that the colours look nice and bright and would fit perfectly with a younger audience.

The reason for me choosing this book cover is because the writing in the white box and the blue background makes it look quite formal, but the thing that catches the audiences eye the most on this book cover is the animated funny pictures in the foreground. I looked at this and straight away I saw the stars, the dog and the string of sausages. I found this book cover when looking on Amazon.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Genre Moodboard images (Horror)
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