Friday 27 August 2010

2nd Biography - Moonwalker - Michael Jackson

Published by: Arrow Books 2010
Author: Michael Jackson
Date: 1988 (original) 2009 (new)
Published in: London

Top 5 tips from this biography:






Monday 23 August 2010

1st Biography: Jeremy Clarkson - Driven to distraction

Published by: Penguin Group
Author: Jeremy Clarkson
Date: 2010
Published in: London (penguin books LTD)

Top five tips from this biography:

1. As soon as I opened the book on page zero I saw a quote from Jeremy which said "To everyone who made my Range Rover, well done , Chaps. It's brilliant." I find this interesting because as soon as you open the book this appears in your face. I think this shows us that Jeremy is a very thankful person which has helped him to progress into his career.

2. Page number 50 "What exactly is a womans point of view when it comes to cars..." this shows me that he is thinking about womens needs in cars andnot just males who are stereotyped as driving fast, I suppose like he does.

3. On page 55 he says "Top gears back on television tonight with a whole new look..." this is making sure people remember about his programme, which is almost like advertising in his book. He then carries on by saying "..we thought up of new ways to keep BBC2's most popular car show fresh and entertaining" When he says this I feel as though he wants people to believe and feel that it is going to be bigger and better than ever.

4. On page 245 he makes an interesting point which probably helped him along his way and is probably why he is a successful person "Often im relieved to climb out of a lambourghini and into a nissan micra because in my world change is the adrenaline rush." I think of this as being a baseline to success because it shows that he likes change and experiments with different cars and not just stick to the same one.

5. He seems to know alot about what he is talking about, which shows he researches alot on page 336-337 you can see this, "Not that long ago mercades announced they were going to extend their range of saloons and estates to make something for everyone..." This quote shows that he loves to look into things that most people wouldnt know about.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Research on how to stretch canvas

I found some information on how to stretch canvas on this site:

This site tells you how to stretch canvas and the equipment you need to do it with, also it tells you detailed facts like how you should put the nails opposite each other when stretching.

I found this site to be very useful in my research and will continue to publish more sites which I have researched to help me at a later date.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Powerpoint of my idea

Here is my powerpoint for my final idea for the extended project. I have responses showing what I will be doing throughout my project, and I have images showing the types of things I will be using and needing.

Slide 2: In this slide it shows the printer and canvas, I have this printer at my dads house so he will show me how to use it properly. I will have to shorten the amount of canvas I produce because it costs quite a lot of money.

Slide 3: This slide explains my idea and what sort of pictures I am hoping to take for my canvas.

Slide 4: This slide explains how I want to develop my idea. As explained I want to have a variety of canvas sizes. This may be quite difficult ascanvas is expensive.

Slide 5: In this slide it shows how you stretch canvas which I will get my dad to teach me. I think that this will be very fun and interesting to do.

Slide 6: On this slide it shows a quick example of the equipment that is needed to stretch canvas.

Slide 7: The next slide asks the question "where is the project at now?" and I have explained that I am going to do around 5 canvases, but I have now changed my idea and I will only be doing 1-3 canvas stretches.

Slide 8: The next slide asks the question "What next", well, the next stage originally was to create one big picture from around five different canvases, but I think this idea is to complex and also I wont be funded enough to stretch five canvases.